2008年4月27日 星期日

100 self answerable questions

I saw these questions from a blog.. quite interesting.. so wanna try it..

01. what is your name: Kai Xin
02. what song are you listenning now: Angel - Leona Lewis
03. where are you studying: in Melbourne now.. 3rd year student in Monash University
04. what you had for your dinner: ermmm... quite a lot... tong shui made by my lovely housemate, coffee with biscuits, strawberries and yogurt
05. how is the weather: outside is drak now.. dunno...
06. do you wear contact lense: not now.. wearing spec..
07. do you dye your hair: never.. but going to dye soon..
08. do you like drinking: lol.. I love it... I like to get drunk!!
09. what are you doing now: posting blog, listening to song, preparing for my tests
10. do you like your current life: ermmm... enjoying it but still finding my ways
11. do you keep pet: yes.. called Kai Xin
12. your family members: 3 lovely and friendly babe here.
13. what are you thinking right now: when i can finish all these questions
14. Constellation: egoistic Leo
15. did you like someone but didnt have courage to express it: yup.. most of the time
16. how many ears hole: 8 on the right and 2 on the left
17. do you have violence tendency: what about biting?
18. when was your first kiss: form 5
19. what is your favourite flower: lavender or tulip
20. what is your favourite colour: purple but not red
21. what is your favourite number: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
22. what is your hobbies: diary-ing, series-ing and thinking
23. favourite movie: movie that wont make me fall asleep
24. favourite cartoon charater: digimon
25. favourite season: winter. feel cold but heart is warm
26. favourite food: caramel
27. favourite fruit: grapes
28. what flavoured of ice-cream: coffee with caramel
29. the memorable incident: the past
30. the saddest incident: he hurt me deeply
31. favourite day: friday night
32. sport: jogging or swimming
33. where do you want to go for honeymoon: anywhere as long as I am going with him
34. what is the scariest thing: ghost
35. hate to do: hiding a dagger in the smile
36. where are you now: my room
37. what is your strength: mathematics
38. what is the colour for your bedsheet: blue and white
39. your ambition: be a virtuous and intelligent wife
40. your life goals: be happy
41. who do you miss now: baba and mama...... and him...
42. where will you be in ten years: who knows
43. what will you do when you are free: diary-ing or kepo-ing
44. the proudest thing that you have done: being myself
45. the worst thing in the world: you are not apprepriating what you have now
46. your regretful thing: didnt get what I wanted
47. how do you treat the person whom you dislike: bite him/her
48. do u willing to pay for your beloved: yup...
49. what makes you timid: telling him that i love him
50. when you cried: 3 days ago.. when i was watching "PS I love You"
51. if someone misunderstand you, what will you do: ignore. pointless to explain to someone who does not understand me
52. do you have boyfriend/girlfriend: I am single
53. how you think about homosexuality: I can accept
54. how you think about your looks: ordinary
55. what is the best thing in the world: you found your beloved
56. the most hateful thing: DO NOT CHEAT ME!!
57. what will u do when you are emo: looking for someone to chat
58. where you went today: nowhere.. stayed at home..
59. when do you plan for marriage: 26 years old but I do not have bf now
60. how do your feel now: happy but tired
61. did you plan to suicide before: never. i love myself
62. usually, what time go for bed: depends.. sometimes 10pm.. sometimes 6am or 8am
63. your best friends: everyone who treats me as his/her best friends
64. your birthday: 18th august
65. QQ or MSN: what is QQ?
66. any penpal: ish... that is outdated...
67. did u cheat in the exam: yup.. all exams in high school (except PMR and SPM)
68. when was your last high school gathering: ermmm... i dun remember...
69. heaven or hell: do not.. i will tell you later
70. language: mandarin, hakka, cantonese, english, malay.
71. favourite singer: a local singer. guan liang
72. favourite actor: ermmmm.... Gerard Bulter
73. how do you think of your name: 凯心... i like it
74. christian name: so far... i dun have... any recommandation?
75. what is the first thing you will do when you wake up in the morning: wish him good morning
76. what will you want to buy when you got your first salary: buy something for mama
77. what will you do before you go for bed: brush my teeth
78. what makes you feel happy: eating caramel
79. what is your flaw: impatient
80. do you have diaries: i had since 2002... I am still writing by hand..
81. do you have blog: http://www.kx1n.blogspot.com/
82. when was the last time been scolded: erm... =/ 2 months ago.. scolded by JOHN!!
83. are you satisfied with your body: I love every part of my body.
84. your favourite fastfood restaurant: Mc
85. your status in msn: busy
86. who is the first ppl appears in your list of msn: someone who i do not know
87. western or eastern food: japanese food
88. what is your plan tomorrow: planed to stay at home and study for my tests
89. your transport: pubic bus and train
90. 10 questions to go.. how to you think: so regret to start answering these questions
91. which country you want to go for your next trip: Hawaii
92. what is love: L O V E = listen + overlook + value + express
93. what is friendship: it is hard to explain by words
94. what do u wish to do in 2008: graduate, work, travel, learn scuba diving.
95. again, what are you thinking now: I wan to sleep now!!!
96. what do you wan to tell yourself: dun worry, be happy..
97. what do you wish to do now: I wan to bite ppl!!! (had answered so many silly questions)
98. are you tired now: extremely....
99. what is the time now: 515am
100.so, what is your reflection after answered 99 questions: it wastes my time.. ish.. it is time to sleep..

