2008年4月29日 星期二

the owl's life..

Currently, my sleeping period is from 5am - 1pm or later everyday... It doesnt affect my life because i have only one day class in a week which means i have nothing to do in the another 6 days.. what i need to do it studying at home... However, i will be exhausted on tuesday because i need to wake up at 6am for lecture from 9am till 5pm..

wake up at 6am?!!! (i sleep at 5am, how can i wake up at 6am?) that is true... i have one hour sleeping time every monday night..

I want to sleep but cant!! I used to have night life... =/

somemore, I had tests today... hmmmm.. dissatisfied with my performance... I didnt do well.. =/ maybe, I didnt put much effort on these tests... ish... i wish i can pass in these 2 tests... well, I can do better in the exam... so, I need to work hard from now onwards...

I hate having a feeling that i am very tired but cant sleep though i do lie down and close my eyes... is it called insomnia? =/ but i will be very sleepy in the afternoon... ish...

my life is upside-down... =/

2008年4月27日 星期日

100 self answerable questions

I saw these questions from a blog.. quite interesting.. so wanna try it..

01. what is your name: Kai Xin
02. what song are you listenning now: Angel - Leona Lewis
03. where are you studying: in Melbourne now.. 3rd year student in Monash University
04. what you had for your dinner: ermmm... quite a lot... tong shui made by my lovely housemate, coffee with biscuits, strawberries and yogurt
05. how is the weather: outside is drak now.. dunno...
06. do you wear contact lense: not now.. wearing spec..
07. do you dye your hair: never.. but going to dye soon..
08. do you like drinking: lol.. I love it... I like to get drunk!!
09. what are you doing now: posting blog, listening to song, preparing for my tests
10. do you like your current life: ermmm... enjoying it but still finding my ways
11. do you keep pet: yes.. called Kai Xin
12. your family members: 3 lovely and friendly babe here.
13. what are you thinking right now: when i can finish all these questions
14. Constellation: egoistic Leo
15. did you like someone but didnt have courage to express it: yup.. most of the time
16. how many ears hole: 8 on the right and 2 on the left
17. do you have violence tendency: what about biting?
18. when was your first kiss: form 5
19. what is your favourite flower: lavender or tulip
20. what is your favourite colour: purple but not red
21. what is your favourite number: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
22. what is your hobbies: diary-ing, series-ing and thinking
23. favourite movie: movie that wont make me fall asleep
24. favourite cartoon charater: digimon
25. favourite season: winter. feel cold but heart is warm
26. favourite food: caramel
27. favourite fruit: grapes
28. what flavoured of ice-cream: coffee with caramel
29. the memorable incident: the past
30. the saddest incident: he hurt me deeply
31. favourite day: friday night
32. sport: jogging or swimming
33. where do you want to go for honeymoon: anywhere as long as I am going with him
34. what is the scariest thing: ghost
35. hate to do: hiding a dagger in the smile
36. where are you now: my room
37. what is your strength: mathematics
38. what is the colour for your bedsheet: blue and white
39. your ambition: be a virtuous and intelligent wife
40. your life goals: be happy
41. who do you miss now: baba and mama...... and him...
42. where will you be in ten years: who knows
43. what will you do when you are free: diary-ing or kepo-ing
44. the proudest thing that you have done: being myself
45. the worst thing in the world: you are not apprepriating what you have now
46. your regretful thing: didnt get what I wanted
47. how do you treat the person whom you dislike: bite him/her
48. do u willing to pay for your beloved: yup...
49. what makes you timid: telling him that i love him
50. when you cried: 3 days ago.. when i was watching "PS I love You"
51. if someone misunderstand you, what will you do: ignore. pointless to explain to someone who does not understand me
52. do you have boyfriend/girlfriend: I am single
53. how you think about homosexuality: I can accept
54. how you think about your looks: ordinary
55. what is the best thing in the world: you found your beloved
56. the most hateful thing: DO NOT CHEAT ME!!
57. what will u do when you are emo: looking for someone to chat
58. where you went today: nowhere.. stayed at home..
59. when do you plan for marriage: 26 years old but I do not have bf now
60. how do your feel now: happy but tired
61. did you plan to suicide before: never. i love myself
62. usually, what time go for bed: depends.. sometimes 10pm.. sometimes 6am or 8am
63. your best friends: everyone who treats me as his/her best friends
64. your birthday: 18th august
65. QQ or MSN: what is QQ?
66. any penpal: ish... that is outdated...
67. did u cheat in the exam: yup.. all exams in high school (except PMR and SPM)
68. when was your last high school gathering: ermmm... i dun remember...
69. heaven or hell: do not.. i will tell you later
70. language: mandarin, hakka, cantonese, english, malay.
71. favourite singer: a local singer. guan liang
72. favourite actor: ermmmm.... Gerard Bulter
73. how do you think of your name: 凯心... i like it
74. christian name: so far... i dun have... any recommandation?
75. what is the first thing you will do when you wake up in the morning: wish him good morning
76. what will you want to buy when you got your first salary: buy something for mama
77. what will you do before you go for bed: brush my teeth
78. what makes you feel happy: eating caramel
79. what is your flaw: impatient
80. do you have diaries: i had since 2002... I am still writing by hand..
81. do you have blog: http://www.kx1n.blogspot.com/
82. when was the last time been scolded: erm... =/ 2 months ago.. scolded by JOHN!!
83. are you satisfied with your body: I love every part of my body.
84. your favourite fastfood restaurant: Mc
85. your status in msn: busy
86. who is the first ppl appears in your list of msn: someone who i do not know
87. western or eastern food: japanese food
88. what is your plan tomorrow: planed to stay at home and study for my tests
89. your transport: pubic bus and train
90. 10 questions to go.. how to you think: so regret to start answering these questions
91. which country you want to go for your next trip: Hawaii
92. what is love: L O V E = listen + overlook + value + express
93. what is friendship: it is hard to explain by words
94. what do u wish to do in 2008: graduate, work, travel, learn scuba diving.
95. again, what are you thinking now: I wan to sleep now!!!
96. what do you wan to tell yourself: dun worry, be happy..
97. what do you wish to do now: I wan to bite ppl!!! (had answered so many silly questions)
98. are you tired now: extremely....
99. what is the time now: 515am
100.so, what is your reflection after answered 99 questions: it wastes my time.. ish.. it is time to sleep..


2008年4月25日 星期五

Help Me!!!

Anyone can help me? I am still not in study mood and I have 2 mid semester tests next Tuesday.. I did nothing today though I stayed at home the whole day.. What I am thinking of? All my housemates are busy on their assignments right now but I am doing nothing!! lol..

Who can cure my laziness?

Happy Anzac Day!!

2008年4月24日 星期四

life is so boring..

I was talking to my dad just now.. he told me indirectly that he wanted me to go home after this.. I seriously dunno my way now.. need time to find it.. hmmmm...
Perhaps, it's time to step into the 'real' life.. a life that I do not really want to have.. lol..
What I will be in the future?

so..... I am going back to KL on July? hmmmm....

watched "PS I Love You" this afternoon.. and I cried.. the story is so sweet and touched... Garerd Butler is soooooooo man and muscular... @_@.. that is a nice show... I should read the book one day... lol..

2008年4月17日 星期四

8月 18日


18th August (Mars; Moon) Representative: Robert Redford
Romantic, Emotional, Has rich imagination and positive motion of strength;
Has the talent of literature, music and art,
Strong in leadership, regards difficulty as a challenge, Has firm will.
The merit: full of sentiment, has the spirit to take risks; strong intuition, has a good originality.
The shortcoming: falling into feelings deeply, often puzzle over feelings; The mood is intense, does not relax.

像我吗? 哈哈!

never satisfied....

when we were young, we would wish to grow up physically quickly...
after we has become adults, we want to go back to our childhood...

we always wish to have things that hardly to get but never realised what we are having now...
once we lost it, we will try to get it back...

what do we not appreciate it at that moment?

when we were young, we should appreciate our childhood fully...
so when we have grown up, enjoy the life at the moment.. childhood is our precious memories...

before you seek for something, pause it! grab a cup of coffee and think what you are having now... are you enjoying it fully?

if you have missed things that u had last time, do not worry.. what is gone, is gone...
do not think of it nor get it back.. it is unworthy... serious... the only thing you do is appreciate what you are having now...

it is easy to say in words but hard to digest in minds... I couldnt get the meaning of it too...

when I was staying in melbourne, I missed kl very much... I tried to have Malaysian lifestyle in Melbourne... when I went back to kl during summer holiday, I missed Melbourne and couldnt wait for going back to Melbourne... ish... never satisfied... end up, I got nothing... I was just seeking something in my life...

one day as a time... appreciate what you are having now... your student's life, your working's life, and everything you are having now...

anyway, I gonna miss my student life later... =/ so, enjoy it NOW!!

2008年4月14日 星期一

Everyone's Free (To Wear Sunscreen)

Ladies and Gentlemen of the class of '97.
Wear sunscreen.
If I could offer you one tip for the future,
SUNSCREEN would be it.

The long-term benefits of sunscreen have been proved by scientists
whereas the rest of my advice has no basis more reliable than my own meandering experience.
I will dispense this advice now

Enjoy the power and beauty of your youth;
oh, nevermind,
you will not understand the power and beauty of your youth until they've faded.
But trust me, in 20 years you'll look back at photos of yourself
and recall in a way you can't grasp now,
how much possibility lay before you and how fabulous you really looked.
You are NOT as fat as you imagine.

Don't worry about the future;
or worry, but know that worrying is as effective as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing bubblegum.
The real toubles in life are apt to be things that never crossed your worried mind;
the kind the blindside you at 4pm on some idle Tuesday
Do one thing everyday that scares you.
Don't be reckless with other peoples hearts.
Don't put up with people who are reckless with yours.
Don't waste your time on jealousy;
sometimes you're ahead,
sometimes you're behind.
The race is long,
and in the end, it's only with yourself.

Remember compliments you receive.
Forget the insults.
If you suceed in doing this, tell me how.
Keep your old love letters.
Throw away your old bank statements.
Don't feel guilty if you don't know what you want to do with your life.
the most interesting people I know didn't know at 22 what they wanted to do with their lives,
some of the most ineresting 40 year olds I know still don't.
Get plenty of calcium.
Be kind to your knees,
you'll miss them when they're gone.

Maybe you'll marry, maybe you won't.
Maybe you'll have children, maybe you won't.
Maybe you'll divorce at 40.
Maybe you'll dance the funky chicken on your 75th wedding anniversary....
Whatever you do, don't congratulate yourself too much or berate yourself either
- your choices are half chance, so are everybody else's

Enjoy your body, use it every way you can...
don't be afraid of it, or what other people think of it...
it's the greatest instrument you'll ever own.
even if you have nowhere else to do it but in your own living room.
Read the directions, even if you don't follow them.
Do NOT read beauty magazines they will only make you feel UGLY.

Brother and sister together we'll make it through.
Someday your spirit will take you and guide you there.
I know you've been hurting, but I've been waiting to be there for you.
And I'll be there just helping you out whenever I can.

Get to know your parents, you never know when they might be gone for good.
Be nice to your siblings; They're your best link to your past,
and the people most likely to stick with you in the future
Understand that friends come and go, except for the precious few you should hold on.
Work hard to bridge the gaps in geography and lifestyle
because the older you get, the more you need the people you knew when you were young.

Live in New York City once, but leave before it makes you hard.
Live in Northern California once, but, leave before it makes you soft.
Accept certain inalienable truths.
Prices will rise,
Politicians will philander,
you too will get old.
And when you do, you'll fantasize that when you were young,
prices were reasonable,
politicians were noble,
and children respected their elders.
Respect your elders.
Don't expect anyone else to support you.
Maybe you'll have a trust fund,
maybe you'll have a wealthy spouse;
but you never know when either one might run out.

Don't mess too much with your hair,
or by the time you're 40, it will look 85.
Be careful whose advice you buy,
but, be patient with those who supply it.
Advice is a form of nostalgia;
dispensing it is a way of fishing the past from the disposal,
wiping it off,
painting over the ugly parts,
and recycling it for more than it's worth.

But trust me on the sunscreen.
Everybody's free. Everybody's free.

2008年4月12日 星期六

the next station would be......

this semester is my final semester. I am going to graduate soon. hmmm. I think I will miss the student life. Lately, I am thinking what I will be going to do after this. I have a plenty of options for my future. I list down all and try to figure out which one is the best for me.

After July 2008,
1. study master - duration = 1.5 years; July 2008 intake
-major is finance such as risk management
- Pro - This is the right to have further study.
- Once I enter career, I don't think I will go back to my student life.
- Con - I need to spend another few years. Do you think it is necessary?

2. study master (actuarial science) - duration = 3 years; March 2009 intake
- One of my wish. didnt take this course for my degree due to some reasons.
- Pro - (same as above)
- fulfil my wish.
- Con - (same as above).

3. get a part time job temporarily - duration = less than a year
-job not related to my studies/working while travelling.
- Pro - explore the world
- Con - is it wasting time?

4. travelling
- planning to go New Zealand or Hawaii alone. lol
- Pro - have fun before start working
- get a full time job will be difficult to travel
- Con - there is no diavantage but financial problem.

5. enter into my career - duration = forever
- start working after graduate.
- Pro - a challanging job is waiting for me.
- gain working exprience
- Con - is it too early to have a full time job?

hmmmm.. It is very difficult to decide... =/
btw, i need to concentrate on my studies first right now... think about it later... =P
I will figure it out soon.

2008年4月10日 星期四

empty + emo

such a boring day. i had an apple pie and a cup of coffee for my dinner. Did nothing but eat today.

my life = pig

I have one day class in week. What about the another 6 days? most prolly hiding in my room. ish. my life is soooooo meaningfulless. pls pls.. any suggestion to make my life become colourful and meaningful?

suppose I planed to study my off-campus subject(Information Technology Law) today, but I was not in study mood. How come there is no lecture nor tutorial for this subject? the lecture notes do not be provided as well. I have to finish studying the whole textbook before exam. ish. 900pages. sux! hopefully i can make it. What i can say right now is GOOD LUCK!